Stephanie Cotsirilos

Stephanie Cotsirilos

Tapping a multiracial family and prior careers on Broadway and in law, Stephanie Cotsirilos writes about injustice, humor, and resilience. She is author of the novella My Xanthi and essayist in Beacon Press’ award-winning anthology Breaking Bread: Essays from New England on Food, Hunger, and Family. Twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize, her work has appeared in McSweeney’s, Narrative, Mississippi Review, The New Guard and various media. Her songs and scripts were produced in New York. Member of the 2023 Sewanee Writers Conference, she was previously Katahdin (formerly Patrice Krant) fellow in residence at Storyknife’s inaugural retreat for women writers in Alaska. She holds degrees in comparative literature, music, and law from Brown and Yale. She lives and writes in Portland, Maine.